Snagging and Pre-Handover Checks
One of the services 25 Spaces Real Estate offers clients is the snagging and taking over a property, on behalf of the new owner, directly from a property developer on completion of a successful purchase or from a first home buyer.

25 Spaces Real Estate has many years of experience having snagged a large number of properties here in Doha, Qatar. We are in a good position to point out at this crucial stage the many defects and snags for a given property, if such appear, and push for them to be rectified as quickly as possible. The snagging & handover procedure is accompanied by a snagging/handover report with a bullet-list of issues that need to be addressed and rectified.
Pre-handover checks are essential in making sure the tenant receives the property in good condition. We work closely with the landlord to ensure that any pending items are all done taken care of before the handover date. This also ensures that the tenant hands back the property in the condition they received it.